The ArchitettiVerona Prize, promoted by the Order of Landscape Planners and Conservationists in the province of Verona, was created in 2009 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Order’s magazine. The initiative aims to promote greater awareness and dissemination of architectural culture in the territory of Verona.
The prize aims to enhance architectural works of various scale and nature, from new construction to recovery, from the interior design to the enhancement of cities and landscapes. It recognizes the work of designers and contractors, public or private, who have been able to interpret in an innovative and personal way the urban and territorial context, considering architecture as a fundamental element of the cultural and civil heritage of the community.
Awarded every three years, the award jointly rewards architects, contractors and construction companies, underlining the value of the entire supply chain that contributes to the realization of the work.
Winning 2024 projects and their reasons: